Executive Director
joyfully believes in the power of community and creativity to transform and enrich every day.
Director of Development + Community Relations
believes that creating a vibrant sense of place can tie us to our past and help us shape our future.
Creative Placemaking Fellow
envisions a world in which the relationship between people and their cities is symbiotic and just.
Policy Fellow
has a radical love and passion for using art to achieve justice.
Graphic Design Fellow
art for me is an entire world where I fit in and all others are welcome.
Sharon Bruner
respects the diverse history and architecture of the UP and feels that the arts community is vital to the evolution of the area.
Joe Clarke
feels that art brings people together, fosters community engagement, and creates pride in our neighborhood.
Kate Daughtry
believes art is everywhere around us and should be accessible to all.
Leize Gaillard
believes that places are our legacy.
Meg Goettsches
believes deep down, we are all capable of something profound.
Andy Gowder
believes, with Jane Jacobs, that “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.”
Susan Gregory
is inspired as a painter and ceramicist to use the arts to create beautiful places.
Kevan Hoertdoerfer
believes the power of change is the prerequisite for growth.
Josh Martin
is, as an urban planner, no stranger to the Next Frontier.
Sharen Mitchell
believes that art and the act of expression is the reflection of the self. It tells the story of who we are, where we have been and what our future may be and within it’s many forms lies the power to inspire and invoke change.
Katie McKain
believes sustainability is a choice people make once they recognize the responsibility to protect the rights of our future generations.
Kate Nevin
believes art and creativity can transform communities and make us better citizens.
Andrea Schenck
designs opportunities for people to discover, innovate and communicate in new ways.
Seabrook Whaley
believes that Charleston’s upper peninsula residents can collectively preserve the region’s character by creatively managing its growth.