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Take the Enough Pie Pledge

  • We believe that there is enough pie for everyone in the thriving neighborhood of Charleston’s Upper Peninsula.
  • We vow to use tools such as artistic collaborations, dynamic partnerships, creative placemaking, civic engagement and critical thinking to address community issues that accompany such growth in unique and transformational ways.
  • We recognize that the process of using creativity as a form of community engagement to address broader challenges is as important as the final result. Inclusivity is embedded in this process.
  • We envision a more connected neighborhood where all stakeholders work together on the issues that matter to our community: inclusivity, equitable access, community resource, and space to gather.
  • We joyfully advocate for a more inclusive places – safer streets and sidewalks, vibrant public spaces filled with art and community, and more inclusive business practices.
  • We vow to empower a growing network of residents of all backgrounds who live side by side, eat together, play together, and care about one another and our shared future – a healthy community where all are welcome.
  • As a network of residents, artists, businesses and activists, we commit to shine a light on this area and unite through creative acts to hold civic leaders and developers more accountable to equitable and just growth.

If not here, Where? If not now, When?

Thank you for supporting this community effort!

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